Rainbow noodle!!!!!
Rainbow noodle!!!!!
She protecc, she attacc, most importantly, she got yo back!
woaaaaaa this is so trippy. I LOVE IT!
I'm a simple guy... I see big robot I put 5 star.
You didn't pressurize your suit bro. -Grim reaper probably
I really love the lighting on the shield. It captures that metal feel really well.
That's my favorite part, too. When painting it, I was worried it wouldn't look good. It caused me to take a small break. I returned and gave it more love, and now I am glad I did. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
Gonna sit on his lap.
Haha the first one looks like its sneezing. I love it.
Literally me on Mondays.
I think we all got PTSD from this boss.
Hahaha I love the eye reactions! Cant wait to see more :)
i draw...
I got a pee pee
Game Designer/Artist
Academy of Arts
Planet Earth
Joined on 12/31/23